Kitson P. Kelly avatar

A recovering 7 foot tall cactus

Deno, CDNs and Types

Deno attempts to make TypeScript a first class language, as well as well as be akin to a browser for code. It allows you to just import modules from the web, in a similar fashion to navigating to a website in your browser.

Of course the websites you browser vary greatly, and so do CDNs dedicated to hosting modules. While aspires to be a registry of projects specifically tailored to Deno, there are whole classes of packages and modules not written with Deno in mind.

This is where CDNs like and Skypack come into play. They provide existing packages on npm as bundled JavaScript with also the ability to provide types as well.

TypeScript and types

TypeScript has two worlds, the code world and the type world. When we write code in TypeScript those worlds are combined, and most of the time when authoring TypeScript, we don't see where they join.

Of course when we transpile TypeScript to JavaScript so it can be executed by a JavaScript engine, all those types are erased, though if we are using tsc we can instruct TypeScript to put those types in a declaration file (.d.ts). This is where the code and the type world are visibly separate.

For example the following .ts file might look like this:

export function a(b: string, c: number = 1): string {
  return b + c;

And would result in a JavaScript file like this:

export function a(b, c = 1) {
  return b + c;

And a declaration (.d.ts) file like this:

export function a(b: string, c?: number): string;

Since browsers and Node.js don't run TypeScript out of the box, most authors writing packages in TypeScript distribute them as JavaScript with the declaration files as part of the package.

If authoring JavaScript directly, a way to inform the TypeScript compiler about the type world that cannot be inferred from usage, authors can annotate the code with JSDoc which will provide most of the same type information that can be provided when writing TypeScript directly. These comments need to be maintained with the code to allow the TypeScript to enforce the types.

When dealing with existing code in JavaScript, it is also possible to "hand craft" type definitions. The largest community project is DefinitelyTyped which publishes type only packages for existing npm packages in the @types namespace.

Deno module graph

When you run your programme under Deno, it has to build up a representation of all the modules that are part of the programme. Deno needs to figure out what code needs to be transpiled from TypeScript to JavaScript, but also what code is required to be type checked.

As mentioned above, there are two worlds for TypeScript, and so Deno has two slots for every dependency, a code slot and a type slot. When resolving a dependency, Deno fills in these slots. When the whole graph of all the dependencies has been built up, the graph can be type checked. Deno uses the built in TypeScript engine to do this (basically tsc) and when a module is requested, Deno provides it with the module in the type slot if available otherwise the code slot.

Before the programme is ready to be run, any modules in the code slot that aren't JavaScript get transpiled to JavaScript. Then the programme is ready to be executed.

You can see how this manifests itself by using deno info on a programme. Modules that are in a type slot get displayed in italics. You can see it more clearly if you use deno info --json where a dependency is listed with both its "code" and "type" module.

Resolving a dependency

When importing (or re-exporting) a module in Deno, Deno analyses the dependency trying to "fill out" the slots. There are a few things that influence this.

One of the first things Deno tries to do is ensure it has access to the module. If it is a local file system module, it checks to ensure it exists. If it is a remote module, it looks in the cache to see if it exists and if not, goes and fetches the remote module.

Once it has the module, Deno determines what sort of media type the module is, in order to handle it properly. For local files, it relies upon the extension of the file to determine the media type. For remote files, it is a bit more complex. It looks at the Content-Type header to see if it can determine the media type. The challenge is that there is no generally acceptable media type of a TypeScript declaration file (.d.ts), as well as some web servers serve content up as text/plain, but we still want people to be able to use code served up in that way. Deno then has to "guess" at what the media type is in certain situations.

Once the media type is determined, Deno then figures out which slot the module should sit in in the dependency graph. There are a few things that impact this:

Using @deno-types

When importing a module, you can instruct Deno that you want to use the import dependency in the code slot and put something else in the type slot, irrespective of what the dependency actually is. This can be done by using the @deno-types pragma.

This is used in situations where you, as the importer knows that you have types that you want to use with the import, which will be provided to the TypeScript compiler when type checking.

For example, if I have a remote JavaScript module I want to use, but I have create a declaration file locally with the APIs I am using out of it, I could do something like this:

// @deno-types=./api.d.ts
import * as api from "";

The @deno-types pragma affects only the next import (or re-export statement).

Using triple-slash reference directive

When you are in a situation where you are providing a JavaScript module, and you as the provider know where or are providing the types, there are ways of informing Deno of that, so that the importer doesn't have to provide the information or know about it.

The first way to do this is by using the re-purposed TypeScript triple-slash reference directive. Putting this near the top of the file will instruct Deno to add a dependency and put it in the type slot for this module. For example, if you are hosting a JavaScript file with the type definitions along-side it could could do something like this in your JavaScript file:

/// <reference types="./api.d.ts" />

Using the X-TypeScript-Types header

Again, if you are hosting a JavaScript module on a web server, like in a package registry, and you have control over the headers you send a client, you can use the custom header X-TypeScript-Types to inform Deno where the types are for your JavaScript file, and Deno will add what is provided there as a dependency and put it in the type slot. So headers from an example above might look something like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1234
X-TypeScript-Types: ./api.d.ts

NOTE This is covered in the Deno manual under Types and Type Declarations.

Hosting code for Deno

There are a couple CDNs that make it really easy to consume code in Deno, where the original author might not have targetted Deno specifically. Especially if you want to consume code out of the npm ecosystem, it can be challenging, as a lot of code is still CommonJS modules which Deno doesn't support. In addition, an author may want to author the code in TypeScript but then emit to JavaScript with a declaration file, so it can be easily consumed in browsers or Node.js. is great if your code is specifically tailored to Deno and potentially written in TypeScript directly, but other CDNs make it easier to consume from the npm space.

This CDN was built with Deno in mind (also helping ensure code is available in mainland China). It uses the Deno std library Node.js polyfills for Deno when bundling up Node.js specific code and by default it provides X-TypeScript-Types header when importing modules/packages. It allows you to create URLs that very concisely define how to build the bundle of code, including versions of dependent packages.

You can see more one the homepage for


This CDN is designed to make consuming packages easy in browsers and Deno. Skypack specifically detects the Deno user agent and will do its best to serve up a bundle of code that is designed to work under Deno (it also detects the user agent of a browser and adjust the bundle for that browser as well).

If you add ?dts to the end of a package URL, Skypack will set the X-TypeScript-Types to allow Deno to automatically discover the types associated with the package. Skypack not only looks at the packaging meta data for the package, but also tries to marry up types from DefinitelyTyped/@types to the package if it doesn't provide them itself. This means there is generally really good coverage of types for use by Deno when importing from Skypack with ?dts.

Currently, Skypack uses the browserify polyfills for Node.js packages, which means that Node.js modules dependent on fs, crypto, http and https built-in modules won't work under Deno. (I didn't specifically realise this and will try to chat to them about how the Deno team might be able to provide specific polyfills for them to use.)

Skypack also includes a quality score for packages, which is really useful when you are searching for some code.

You can get started with Skypack at as well as there is some Deno specific documentation.

The Deno Language Server

The module resolution logic and other features described above are built into the Deno Language Server which is part of the deno executable. This means that when you import a module from one of the CDNs you automatically get type information which then can provide auto-completion and hover support in your editor.

In addition, the language server supports "import completions" which is a protocol that was created for Deno to make it possible to provide auto-completions when completing an import in an editor. This means with the likes of you effectively "browse" the package registry from your editor.

We need to enhance the protocol so that it can support very large registries/CDNs like Skypack as well as allow a CDN to provide more rich information about a package in the IDE, making it even easier to discover code for use in Deno.

There is the official vscode extension for Deno which leverages the Deno Language Server as well as availability in other editors.