A recovering 7 foot tall cactus
I have tried to make New Year's resolutions before, but they usually come to naught. So this isn’t a news years resolution post, this is just a plan.
Simon and I have been together for 12 years now and have been in a Civil Partnership for 5 years. We have plans this year to start the rest of our lives. While we have often tried to make progress on whatever you might call long term plans, they are always slow to come. This year though we have lots to make concrete movements on. If we make the right progress then 2013 will be a year of big change for both of us and 2012 will be the year that made it possible.
What happens when you have two IT professionals start planning your life? You come up with a Microsoft Project Plan, assign and schedule your tasks and have a weekly review meeting. It is sad but true. On the other hand, for Simon who is always making lists and for me who avoids lists unless I am totally under stress, it has helped us create a common place for us to focus our personal lives. Of course day to day life always interferes with these plans, but at least they don’t get lost in the ether. We have them written down and we know where we are going as a couple.
Also, in about 30 days, I will be celebrating the one year anniversary of my weight loss surgery. I can hardly remember the man that was 100lbs heavier. Most people who know me can’t remember him either. My weight has stabilised and I have been +/- 3lbs of 195 for 3 months or so now. If you average out my weight, I might have lost 1-2 lbs over that period, so it is still a slight downward trend. Now that I know that my weight is stabilised, getting plastic surgery becomes a serious consideration. I really enjoy the freedom I have, in that for the most part, thinking about food has become a minor factor in my life.
Also, Simon and I get to spend some time at the Summer Olympics in London. It will make for a once in a lifetime experience I am sure. We get to attend 8 events, with Beach Volleyball on the Royal Mall probably being the most interesting venue I can think of.
My sister will be giving birth to Tristan, my first "proper" nephew (or niece for that matter) right around Simon’s birthday. We also found out over Christmas that Simon’s sister is also going to be giving birth (her second child) around June near my birthday. So lots of exciting family events coming up this year. This only makes Simon and I think more and more about family ourselves, which we plan to put significant wheels in motion this year in order to achieve that.