A recovering 7 foot tall cactus
enormous penis.
Do you ever feel like your sense of humour is unappreciated? Do you feel sometimes it isn't even worth telling people what you find funny, because no one is going to laugh as loud as you do at something?
Well, I was reading New of the Weird this morning, which I do every week and they mentioned someone getting offended by a song by the group Da Vinci's Notebook. The song was a moving anthem of self affirmation and positive thinking aptly titled "Enormous Penis".
I haven't laughed so loud in a long time. I was so glad to come across such a positive uplifting song early Sunday morning. Well, a quick trip to Amazon.com led me to find the group and the CD Brontosaurus that contains the song. Needless to say, I find the song quite funny. I never heard such a serious sounding group just sing about the damndest odd things. Ah, isn't it great to be an American?